Capital One

I spent three years at Capital One working on tech marketing. Our projects ran the gamut, from experiential design at tech conferences to developing brand standards, positioning and websites for upcoming software products. I got to learn as much about cloud technology as a copywriter possibly could, but pretty please don’t ask me to explain Kubernetes.

Blacks in Tech

Capital One needed some swag to give away at the Blacks in Tech online conference.

Instead of just handing out a keychain or koozie, Logan Buerlein and I came up with this poster highlighting some of the contributions Black American inventors have made to society.

We worked with illustrator Sharee Miller to bring it to life and had it screen printed by the talented folks at The Half and Half.

Collision Conference

The expo halls at tech conferences like Collision are filled with two things: hyperbole and free swag.

So Megan Price and I played up both in our booth design for Capital One. In a sea of straight-faced braggadocio, our booth stood out and helped Capital One make a splash as a tech newcomer.

Oh and check out the sweet mural we commissioned from Ben Johnston for the back of the booth.

There’s plenty more Capital One work to be shown, but as you might imagine, banks can be a little protective when it comes to new products and services. If you want to hear about any of my other projects, just give me a shout.


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